Monday, April 19, 2010

Russian Women

Vancouver 2010 Olympics: Russia's biathletes win gold in 4x6km relay

I want to thank my colleague in my college's social sciences division for telling me about an upcoming conference on Russian women at Loyola University on 3 May 2010. I've been meaning to test the waters of academia after a long interlude by attending some Russian conference, and this free, local event will have the advantage of offering me some additional material on women's history. As readers no doubt notice, this blog hasn't been very vigilent about posting information or even ruminations about gender, sexuality, or women's history. We hope this will change. Already, I've been searching out texts on Soviet women and I hope to address these books very soon. The conference should give me additional incentives to get serious about gender in modern Russian history.

Information about this conference can be found at this link: It's a political science event thinly disguised as an interdiciplinary happening. But talks on civil society, maternity policies, migration and demography, artic sciences, politics, and law sound promising. Speakers include Yoshiko Herrera, Vicki Hesli, John Ishiyama, Kathyrn Hendley, Janet Johnson, Richard Matland, Michele Rivkin-Fish, and Regina Smyth. It's at from 9:30am to 4:30am. Gannon Center for Women and Leadership, Piper Hall, first floor, Loyola, Lakeshore Campus. Register now and don't be late.

Thanks to the CLC Social Science Department for the alert. Visit their blog at the following link:

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