Friday, September 11, 2009

Some Favorite History Books

Bruce Lincoln: Passage Through Armagedon; In War's Dark Shadow; Red Victory: The Conquest of a Continent.

Orlando Figes: Natasha's Dance; A People's Tragedy; The Whisperers

Henri Troyat: Chekhov; Turgenev; Gorky; Peter the Great; Alexander of Russia; Tolstoy; Pushkin; Ivan the Terrible

Simon Montefiore: Young Stalin, Court of the Red Czar;

Steinberg: Fall of the Romanovs

Adam Zamoyski: Moscow 1812

William Taubman: Khrushev

Robert Conquest: Tyrants and Typewriters

Constantine Pleshakov: Stalin's Folly

E.H. Carr: Bakhunin

Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: Stephen Cohen

Isaac Deutcher: Lenin's Childhood; The Prophet Outcast: The Prophet Unarmed

Richard Pipes: The Degaev Affair

Anthony Beevor: Stalingrad

Sheila Fitzpatrick: The Russian Revolution

Alan Moorehead: The Russian Revolution

Svetlanda Alexievich: Chernobyl, an Oral History of A Nuclear Disaster

Mary Mycio: Wormwood Forest, A Natural History of Chernobyl

Paul Gregory and Normal Naimark (Editors): The Lost Politburo Transcripts

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